"...finally. A baton rouge label that barely cares..."
Hey look, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life gives you 5-6 bands' worth of recorded material, of which some are actively contributing tons and tons of new music by the trunkload, you make a fucking radio show with that shit. And below is just what we did. Below, you'll find our entire big fat podbean podcast page in a big fat frame...

Shows are recorded new nearly every weekend and posted the following Monday or Tuesday. So be on the lookout.

If you're browsing this from your phone or some inundated piece of crap computer and you can't access frames, then click HERE, cocheese. And peep that shizzle...

Oh, you want the mobile, easy to click on stuffs - scroll down to the bottom. We got that covered for you too. 

QUESTIONS?! COMMENTS?! Email them to us HERE! We might just answer them on a future episode.
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